Living Along  
   The Ancient way

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El Morro Valley, New Mexico
Where Dreams Take Wing and Fly

A guide for the greater community of El Morro, Ramah, La Tinaja, El Morro Ranches, Candy Kitchen, Timberlake, Pine Meadows,
Pine Hill, Mountain View and surrounding areas

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El Morro Old School Gallery

At the heart of our community Visit Local Places

The community owned Old School Gallery provides a central performance space for plays, music, arts classes, workshops and other community meetings and gatherings – from morning yoga to stage plays to folk dancing to summer arts classes for local kids. An old fashioned sense of community spirit is alive and well at the Old School Gallery. Locals from a 900 square mile area come together with their friends, neighbors & tourists to share in quarterly art exhibitions, festivals, craft fairs, movie nights, open mic night, stage plays with local actors, dances, potlucks, holiday celebrations, musical performances and much more.

The way in is a beautiful, winding road that follows an ancient way traveled for over 1000 years by the puebloan peoples of the Zuni and Acoma Pueblos, the Spanish Conquistadors in search of the 7 cities of gold, and the American pioneers seeking a better life out west.  The road winds through tall ponderosa pines, past a mountain chain of volcanic craters, vast lava fields, steadily climbing over the Continental Divide, and then winding down into the awe inspiring El Morro Valley Area

One of the most remarkable, amazing aspects of El Morro Valley, besides the wild natural beauty, the rich, ancient cultural history and hundreds of Anasazi ruins, is the amazing “live and let live” community that calls this remote place home.  Our community is made up a very unique collection of homesteaders, artists,entrepreneurs, & individualists, most living on their own land, widely scattered over a vast, sparsely populated high desert area from Zuni Pueblo, 50 miles east to the Continental Divide, and from the foot of the Zuni Mountains, 30 miles south to Candy Kitchen and Pinehill.

Some the residents jokingly refer to themselves as…

“We’re all here… because we’re not all there!”

Welcome to the El Morro Valley Area

Community Website